Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Smilar Issues: 136 Record Found
Correlation of Morning Stiffness and Acute Phase Reactants in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Two Hyaluronan Preparations With Different Molecular Weights and a Methyl Prednisolone Acetate in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of the Relation Between Tibiofemoral Joint Osteoarthritis and Possible Risk Factors in Wome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Arthritis at Advanced Age: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Differential Diagnosis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor HLA-DRB1 Alleles Distribution in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in A Tertiary Center in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Medical Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Knee Proprioception and Balance in Turkish Women With and Without Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Microscopic Polyangiitis Histopathologically Confirmed By Lung Biopsy and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Role of Depression and Social Adjustment in Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Melatonin Serum Levels in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Psychopathological and Clinical Features in Patients With Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Functional Status of Knee in Faller or Non-Faller Female Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction in Females With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Management Approaches in Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Efficacy of Topical Glucosamine Sulfate-Chondroitin Sulfate in Knee Osteoarthritis Treated With Physical Therapy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Hyaluronic Acid With Supplemental Peroral Vitamin E Following Arthroscopic Debridement in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Relationship Between Serum Levels of Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and Disease Activity in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Etiopathogenesis of Osteoporosis in Rheumatic Diseases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Investigation of the Correlation Between ADMA Levels and Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block Due to Chloroquine Treatment Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Post-Stroke Depression; Relationship to Functional Impairment and Rehabilitation Outcome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Effects of Rheumatoid Factor, Functional Status and Disease Activity on Bone Loss in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Depression Levels and the Ways of Coping with Pain in Patients with Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndromes Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor End-of-life Care For the Elderly Patient Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Alexithymia, Temperament and Character Characteristics in Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of Home Rehabilitation Programme in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Assessment of Serum Sialic Acid and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Receiving Anti-TNF-a and Conventional Therapies Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Assessment of Depression, Sleep Disorders and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated with Bilateral Sacroileitis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Pain and Functional Parameters in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Lateral-Wedge Shoe Insoles on Pain and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Frequency of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Patients with Hepatitis B and C Infections and Evaluation of Their Psychological Status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ototoxicity Due to Antimalarial Therapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Two Case Reports Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spine Involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Hand and Rehabilitatio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rheumatoid Arthritis and Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Comparison of the Effects of Electrical Stimulation and Exercise in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Radiological Findings and Its Relation with Clinical Parameters in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Low Dose Methotrexate Associated Pancytopenia in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Association Between Functional Status, Health Related Quality of Life and Depression After Stroke Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Psychiatric Disorders in Stroke Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Quality of Life and Depression in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of Clinical Efficacy of Intermittent and Continuous Cold Treatment in Acute Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Atlantoaxial Subluxation in Three Cases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Physiopathologic Mechanisms in Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Ratio of Second-Line Drug Usage Time to Disease Duration and Reasons for Drug Cessation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Pain Related Disability and Psychological Distress Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritinin Tedavisinde Selekoksib ve Diklofenak Sodyum Etkinliğinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on the Levels of Interleukin-1b, Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fibromiyalji Sendromlu Hastalarda Klinik Belirtilerin Sıklığı ve Fibromiyalji Sendromu-Hipermobilite İlişkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritli Hastaların Tedavisinde İyontoforez ve Fonoforez Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fibromiyalji Sendromu’nda Moklobemid’in Klinik Etkinlik ve Tolerabilitesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Uzun Süreli Romatoid Artriti Olan Hastalarda Osteoporoz Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Kronik Mekanik Bel ve Boyun Ağrılı Hastaların Özürlülük, Anksiyete ve Depresyon Açısından Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartriti Olgularında Konsantrik Kuadriseps-Hamstring ve Konsantrik-Eksantrik Kuadriseps İzokinetik Egzersiz Programlarının Ağrı, Fonksiyonel Kapasite ve Kuadriseps Gücüne Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit ve Osteoartrit Hastalarında Laboratuvar Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Relation of Serum Levels of Muscle Enzymes with Clinical Findings in Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Farklı Etyolojilere Bağlı Kronik Ağrıda Ağrıyla İlişkili Sakatlık ve Depresyo Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Ayakta Görülen Deformiteler ve Pedobarografik Değerlendirme Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritte Akciğer Değişikliklerinin Yüksek Rezolüsyonlu Bilgisayarlı Tomografi ile Değerlendirilmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Atlanto-Aksiel Subluksasyon Sıklığı Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Sistemik Tedavinin İdrar Glikosaminoglikan Atılımına Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritli Olgularda Diz Eklem Kompartmanlarının Kellgren-Lawrence Sistemiyle İncelenmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diabetik Gonartrozlu Hastaların Radyolojik Özellikleri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Evaluation of Radiographic Damage by 4 Different Methods in Hand X-Rays and the Correlation of Radiologic Changes with Clinical and Laboratory Abnormalities in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Efficacy of Tramadol in Painful Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spinal Kord Yaralanmalı Hastalarda Cinsel Disfonksiyonun Psikiyatrik Boyutu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spinal Kord Yaralanmalı Hastalarda Anksiyete ve Depresyo Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritli Hastalarda Kardiak Mortaliteden Sorumlu Faktör Serum Lipid Profilindeki Değişimler midir? Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit ve Ankilozan SpondilitliErkek Hastalarda GonadalSeks Hormonları Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Medulla Spinalis Yaralanmalı Hastalarda Depresyo Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ankilozan Spondilitli Hastaları Değerlendirmede Kullanılan Skalaların Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid El Fonksiyonel Yetersizlik Göstergesinin Klinik Değişime Duyarlılığı Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fibromiyalji Sendromlu Hastalarımızdaki Semptomların Dağılımı ve Uyku EEG'si Bulguları Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Gonartrozlu Hastalarda Klinik Bulgularda Çeşitli Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçümleri Arasındaki İlişkiler Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit Tedavisinde Metotreksat'ın Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor HFI’nın (Hand Functional Index) Romatoid Elde Geçerliliğinin Araştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artritte Ayak Deformiteleri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Quality of Life in Patients with Breast Cancer at Early Postoperative Period: Relationship to Shoulder Pain, Handgrip Strength, Disability, and Emotional Status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Prevalence of “MEFV” Gene Mutations in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Inhabiting the Van Province and Surroundings Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Successful Treatment with Etanercept of Rheumatoid Arthritis Occurring in a Patient with Familial Mediterranean Fever Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Plasma Osteopontin Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Relation with Disease Activity Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Association between Vitamin D Level and Chronic Pain and Depression in Premenopausal Wome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Prevalence of Prosthesis Use with the Effects on Body Image, Depression, Anxiety and Self-Esteem in Lower-Extremity Amputations Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Exercises in Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is Radiographic Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis Important for Detecting Differences in Physical Performance and Isokinetic Strength? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Vitamin D Levels in Women with Fibromyalgia and Relationship between Pain, Depression, and Sleep Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Assessment of Pain in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and its Association with Quality Of Life and Fatigue Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Frequency of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Effects on Quality of Life in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Determining Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Patients with Stroke Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison between Depression Levels of Women with Knee Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The influence of social and demographic features on functional level and quality of life after total knee arthroplasty Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Impaired Balance and Fall Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Impaired Balance and Fall Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnostic Value of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Newly Diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Serum magnesium level is not associated with inflammation patients with knee osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The assessment of pain in patients with multiple sclerosis and its association with quality of life, fatigue, and depression Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of isokinetic, isometric, and aerobic exercises on clinical variables and knee cartilage volume using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Inflammatory arthritis complicated by inflammatory bowel disease: two case reports Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of vitamin D levels on radiographic knee osteoarthritis and functional status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Psychiatric comorbidity and childhood trauma in fibromyalgia syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is there a relationship between venous insufficiency and knee osteoarthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Pain evaluation in a sample of Turkish children with cerebral palsy and its association with dependency level, verbal abilities, and the quality of life of patients and sociodemographic status, depression, and quality of life of their caregivers Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship between body composition and knee osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diagnosing fibromyalgia in rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of assessing disease activity Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Bottom of an iceberg Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Falls, fear of falling, and associated factors in ambulatory patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A comparative study with healthy controls Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Alexithymia and attention deficit and their relationship with disease severity in fibromyalgia syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor What are the risk factors of poor medication adherence in the target-to-treat era? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The improvement in aerobic capacity, disease activity, and function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis following cardiac rehabilitation program: A single-center, controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship of illness perceptions with demographic features, pain severity, functional capacity, disability, depression, and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Low levels of serum vitamin D3 are associated with fibromyalgia syndrome in pre-menopausal women: A pilot study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities on sleep quality in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis: A single-blind, prospective, randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Shortest time interval for detecting the progression of knee osteoarthritis on consecutive X-rays Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Physical activity, musculoskeletal disorders, sleep, depression, and quality of life before and after bariatric surgery Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Assessment of the frequency of tarsal tunnel syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is it possible to develop a new measurement tool to assess the functional status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of mirror therapy on upper limb function, activities of daily living, and depression in post-stroke depression patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor A quantitative assessment of the risk of falls in rheumatoid arthritis patients and determination of the risk factors Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of clinical relationship of serum niacin and dopamine levels in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of ankylosing spondylitis patients with and without fibromyalgia syndrome according to the disease activation scores and response to treatment Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of task-oriented training on pain, functionality, and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Validation of the Turkish Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-8 Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Central sensitization in osteoarthritic knee pain: A cross-sectional study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship between inadequate response to physical therapy and central sensitization in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A prospective cohort study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effectiveness of peroneal nerve stimulation combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the management of knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled single-blind study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Developing a common metric using current scales for assessing functioning in patients with knee osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is there a paradoxical side effect? Is it a case of inefficiency? Peripheral ulcerative keratitis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis in remission treated with tocilizumab Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of effectiveness of osteopathic visceral manipulation in patients with chronic mechanical low back pain: A multi-center, single-blind, randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is it possible to objectively determine morning stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Clinical effect of acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis and its effect on p38 MAPK signaling pathway Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of Rocabado exercises in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission with temporomandibular joint involvement: A randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor