Physical activity of disabled individuals in the context of meeting WHO recommendations and support of local authorities
2 Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland DOI : 10.5606/tftrd.2017.64188 Objectives: This study aims to evaluate physical activity of disabled individuals in the context of fulfilling the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations and to investigate the relationship between the risk of inactivity and activity of local authorities in this field.
Material and methods: The sample consisted of 155 disabled individuals selected from a representative sample of the Polish society. The long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-LF) and the survey of the determinants of a sport activity among the Polish population were applied. The relationship between meeting the WHO recommendations and environmental factors were investigated.
Results: According to the IPAQ-LF, 68.2% of the Polish disabled adults performed a recommended dose of physical activity during their leisure time. The total leisure activity was composed mainly of vigorous activities (58.8%), in a less extent of moderate activities (11.8%), and walking (7.2%). According to the survey of the sport activity determinants, 10.3% is active (0.7% exercises for ≥60 min 3 to 4 times a week, 3.9% per day).
Conclusion: Based on our study results, there is a need to increase the activity of local authorities, promoting a participation in sport for all among Polish disabled individuals. In addition, these study results indicate methodological problems related with the implementation of the IPAQ-LF.
Keywords : Disability; International Physical Activity Questionnaire-long version; leisure physical activity; Poland; World Health Organization recommendations