Yüksek Topuklu Ayakkabılar: Kalça ve Diz Osteoartriti Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri
2 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Texas
3 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Texas, USA
HIGH HEELED SHOES: Their Effects on the Development of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Evidence is very limited in the literature about the effects of high heeled shoe use (HHS) on the development of degenerative osteoarthritis in the lower extremity joints. A 3 dimensional gait analysis system was used in this study and changes in the moments (forces about the joints) of the hip, knee, and ankle joints were calculated in 17 healthy women while walking in the HHS. Results of the study revealed a 23% increase in the knee varus moment (p<0.01) in the frontal plane and increased compressive forces in the medial compartment of the knee joint together with a bigger and longer duration of knee extansor moment in the sagittal plane (p<0.01). An 11% increase in the abduction moment in the hip during the stance phase was detected (p<0.01). In conclusion, although HHS can not be directly blamed for the development of osteorthritis in the lower extremity joints; it can be reported that HHS may lead to an increased risk for the development of the knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, the potential role of foot posture in contributing to musculoskeletal disorders needs to be considered when evaluating pain complaints or prescribing shoes, insoles, lifts and surgical treatments.
Keywords : High heeled shoes, osteorthritis, computerized gait analysis.